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N Ch Barolito's Belleville By Ketch

Belle is our keeper from the B-litter. Link to pedigree!
Tispe 3.JPG


Belle 5.jpg
20181024 B's Belleville By Ketch 4 month
4 months

Belle er en jente som elsker oppgaver og være ute. Hun ble norsk champion 2 år og 3 mnd gammel. I LC har hun konkurrert to ganger, og har cert derfra. Men det hun liker best, er turer i skog og mark.  Når hun springer rundt i skogen, så er det med et smil.


Belle is a girl who loves to play and being outside. She became Norwegian champion at the age of 2 years and 3 months. In LC, she has competed twice, and has achieved certificate from there as well. Her favorite doing is the walks in the woods and fields.  When she runs around free, it is with a smile.


3 month
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